Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What Doors Do You Open?

Move the Way LOVE makes you move.  

"Don't move the way fear makes you move.
Move the way love makes you move.
Move the way joy makes you move."

Imagine there is a corridor full of doors.  To the left the doors are made of beautiful stained glass, the most unique and intricate designs.  Behind these doors lie even more enlightenment, more opportunities, more joy.  On the right side are more doors.  These doors are made of solid wood, no light gets through, their color is a murky grey.  These doors represent choices we make that are based on a "Lack of" and fear. 

Every time we make a decision based on lack and fear, we are opening the murky doors on the right, which lead us to more decision based on the lower mind.  An example of this might be:  You are called into your bosses office.  She proceeds to ask you about another employee that someone else was talking about, saying she was not doing a good job.  This actually is a surprise to you because you had always thought this employee was very good, so kind and helpful to everyone.  However, you have always wanted that position, you were next in line for the job.  After all, you had been working there for 10 years, you had a mortgage and 2 kids to look after, so you thought, "Well I have to look out for myself"   in this case, you have made a choice based on fear.  You have come from a place of "lack" to justify your decision.  This is coming from the lower aspects of the mind.  No light comes through, you may even get the job, but the door you just opened keeps you in the dark.  

If you come from the heart, love and respect, you will make decisions based on "Plenty"  That there is plenty for everyone, you trust the universe, your plan.  Your intent is good.  You tell your boss that you thought your co-worker was excellent and that all the customers really seem to like her.  You have just opened the door that is full of light and love.  You have expanded your awareness, opened up the heart and higher mind.  Most times the doors of many colors are never opened, these doors lead to greater awareness.  On the other side of these doors is more opportunity, love, expansion and awareness.  These gifts are yours forever, they are never lost.  You take them with you on your journey.  Always choose the doors of love, kindness and awareness.  Don't come from a place of lack, there is no growth in that.  If you trust the universe and that inner knowing, you will see much more than you could ever imagine.  

Shine your light for all to see, show them you aren't afraid to open the door of greater awareness and trust.  Your world is expansive, guided by something much higher than the mind.  Spirit is above all else!!  :)


  1. Beautiful, I love it! Now to remember it every moment and open the doors of light!

  2. Thank you Trendle, btw, I love that name. Yes, we must all try to make better choices based on trust and love. It is easy sometimes to get scared and feel like you have to grab on to all you get, but then we must realize the Universe always provides. There is enough for us all when we make higher choices.
