Ask and you Shall Receive.
I feel like most people think they own Jesus and what they interpret from the Bible. But I have always felt close to Jesus growing up and it wasn't based on what I heard from others. I did not go to church growing up, but I would read the Bible and I knew most of it was based on man's own perceptions at the time, but when I read what Jesus said, I could feel everything he was saying and the LOVE he was bringing to the earth. He was coming to change things up, it was no longer an eye for an eye, but to turn the other cheek. He taught forgiveness and love. To me, the people that are judging and discriminating against others would be the ones in those times that woud not accept Jesus and his teachings. Some might have even called him "New Age" He was bringing in new ideas. I don't know why, but I didn't have to focus literally on each passage and dispute certain things, it was like I read it with my heart not my mind.
I struggled at times, wondering why I didn't feel like many of my friends that went to church. But I could not believe a God of hate/judgement. But maybe we each define God with what lies within us. You might say God is a reflection of what we hold inside, the kind of love that is either unconditional, or love that is met with certain conditions.
I believe in unconditional love. I know God loves me, I know Jesus loves me and was even there for me in one of the toughest days of my life. But no, I do not see Jesus as most people do. Here is a story of the day I believe I saw Jesus and even Mary with him. It almost sounds too surreal to tell, but I have shared this story with only a select few. I feel now it is really time to share what I saw and felt.
Our youngest son had a tumor in his leg at the age of 2 years old. I cannot tell you how scared I was, the thought that he could have his leg amputated, or that the cancer could have been elsewhere in his body, then there was the worst thought of all, that kept forcing its way to my mind, but I kept pushing it back. My heart was breaking, I didn't want him to even have the surgery. At night I would go into his room and hold his leg and imagine the tumor getting smaller and smaller. I prayed to Jesus and all spirits to please let it disappear. After I left his room, I would see flashes of lights, I would go back in to see what it could be and I never could find out. It was almost like a camera flash, but softer and lighter.
We found out the tumor was a slow growing one, but of course would need to be removed. I know at this point I should have just been happy, but my baby would be in surgery. I asked Jesus to please let someone be there to help us and let me know that he would be fine. The day of the surgery came, we went to get him signed up and I was sitting there with my head in my hands looking at the floor, when I saw someone sitting right across from me wearing sandals, like old sandals, so I slowly look up and there sat a man that looked very similar to what I would have imagined Jesus to look like. He smiled at me. I then noticed the lady sitting next to him, she reminded me of what Mary would look like. She was in this blue flowing dress. A very odd thing to be wearing. My mind then drifted back to my son which my husband was holding and playing with in the waiting room. Each room we went in that couple was there. I was just baffled. I asked my husband if he thought it strange and he started to notice too. I said, "Okay, if he talks to us, then that is who I think it is" sure enough about 15 minutes after I said that he looked over at my husband and said, "What is wrong with your little guy?" My husband told him what was going on, then the guy said, "He is going to be fine." and with that he guided the lady across the room, it seemed like they both floated across the floor. I was sure those were the loving spirits I requested, but I hadn't expected that!!
After the surgery I asked my husband again, "Wasn't that strange" He said, "Yes it was." And he didn't always notice things, but he then believed we were definitely being watched over. I feel like my son's room were full of loving spirits, watching over him. Then our special guests at the hospital. My heart felt full and grateful.
Your post touched my heart. I also found Jesus through what I call the back door after I had given up on religion. Thanks for the reiminder that when we open the door of our hearts we open the door to Jesus.